Social media is becoming an increasingly larger part of advertising.

Post something quickly, add a few hashtags and go for it.

But that's exactly what's not helpful these days, especially in the business world, because have you asked yourself beforehand:

Is my image safe?

Have I violated image rights?

Do I reach the target groups for which the post was intended with the post/contribution or reel?

And that's exactly where the problem lies. You cannot add your logo to images you post quickly. Furthermore, do you have time to respond to possible reactions, questions, etc. or do you leave it at that??

The new media is particularly suitable for companies, institutions or brands. Greater reach, reaching people faster, but is that targeted? Mostly not.

And this is exactly where we offer extensive support and show you

    What should I put attention on? Have I perhaps just committed a criminal offense by publishing images? Are my images safe, or can others easily copy them and sell them as theirs?

Our support in this regard could look like:

    that we prepare your posts, process image materials and make them safe, respond competently to comments, questions and do so at short notice and exactly according to your needs. But you can also help with the creation and ideation of postings.

Just like a website, social media should be regularly fed with new information, images and texts so that you maintain your reach and don't lose your followers.

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