In our advertising agency division, we offer our customers a wide range of products.

First, we offer an actual/target analysis.

The actual/target analysis represents the first step in a successful collaboration so that we as your advertising company know where the journey should go.

A special analysis sheet has been developed for this purpose, which we go through in the initial consultation with the customer.

The reason for this handling is to provide you as a customer, but also us as your advertising partner, with a schedule that includes:

- Where does your company currently stand in the market?

- How many returning customers / regular customers does my company have?

What marketing measures have been carried out so far?

Were these marketing measures effective?

What marketing measures have you always wanted to try as a company?

How current is your website?

Are you present on the social media sites and if so, how current are they?

These are just some of the questions included in our new analysis form so that we can get you to where you want to go as a company in a competent and targeted manner.

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Here you can find our new company catalog, in which we present our diversity in the field of photography and advertising agencies.

Company catalog

Our introductory video for our portfolio of refined textiles:

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